Empty Cereal Box

Views From Inside an Adoptee

July 10, 2006

Mommy, Linux Ate My 'Puter

If Blogger had categories, I'd file this post under "tech." Or, better, "transitions into elsewhere."

I don't eat at McDonalds or shop at malls or supermarket chains. I used to hang those ubiquitous AOL CDs that came in the mail every week in the bathroom to use as shiny round wallpaper. So why should I use Microsoft products? I'm as leery of Microsoft as I'm obsessed with replacing it with Linux (maybe you have similar fantasies). So far, I haven't found an online kernal that includes an .exe (or similar) file to actually boot the software. Anyone had any luck scoring one yet?

I dug up an old 1999 Linux book with unopened install disks that I bought at a thrift store last year. Big mistake. Yesterday R tried to partition the hard drive to give Linux its own, so we could escape Windows whenever we could. He loaded the old CD and clicked through the DOS base install. What we should have done was to put Linux on its own drive. But nobody thought of that. So Linux summarily wiped out our hard drive. Hence, we had to reformat. Hence, on top of getting the house repairs done, trying to get rid of everything, keeping things as neat as possible as agents and looky-loos traipse through occasionally (never when I have the house looking good, only when it's a disaster), we said "so long" to our data. Not the first time.

I just talked to my friend Kendra. When I told her that today everything seems unreal, that things seem strange and distant, as if I'm looking at them from another dimension, she said everyone she knows is in transition. There's no place to turn for answers except inside. So I'm listening hard with my ear to the door of my intuition [sound of celestial violins and ambient-angelic female vocals].


Blogger Mia said...

Most of this post was Greek to me but I love this:

There's no place to turn for answers except inside. So I'm listening hard with my ear to the door of my intuition [sound of celestial violins and ambient-angelic female vocals].

I also found the AOL disc wallpaper strangely fascinating. Hmmmmmm I may have to redecorate the bathroom.

Blogger Marie said...

Mia-GEEK, I think you mean, not GREEK. I'm neither, actually. Hence the confusion. [LOL]


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